工学部 工学科 社会基盤工学コース+社会デザインコース
大学院 理工学研究科 生産環境工学専攻

University Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease



Current (as of September 3) Activity Restriction Index


  学生の方へ|For Students

 1.注意喚起| Attention

Be wary of the cult's solicitation.[April 7, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

There have been incidents of suspicious men calling out to job-hunting students. [April 7, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

愛媛大学環境建設工学科系の学生向け 令和2年4月22日時点版
Addendum to the "Q&A on the new coronavirus (for students of the Department of Environmental and Construction Engineering, Ehime University)" as of April 22, 2020


問1 体調がよくありません。どうしたらいいでしょうか?
 咳、熱(熱っぽい感じ)、身体のだるさ(倦怠感)、息苦しさ(呼吸困難)等 の体調異常や、37.5度以上の熱が4日以上続く場合は、医療機関での受 診前に総合健康センターまたは学生生活支援課に電話かメールで連絡して ください。
・総合健康センター:(089)927-9193,(089) 927-9194,s_kenko(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・学生生活支援課:(089)927-9099,(089) 927-8970,nandemo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

問2 強い不安やストレスを感じます。どうしたらいいでしょうか?
・総合健康センター:(089)927-9193,(089) 927-9194,s_kenko(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・学生生活支援課:(089)927-9099,(089) 927-8970,nandemo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp


問1 授業の進め方はどうなりますか?
 第1クオーターの間は、すべての授業が遠隔講義で実施されます。 第2クオーター以降は、大学が発表する感染ステージ(Red,Orange,Yellow,Green)に応じて、 各授業の実施方法を決定します。実施方法については後日お知らせします。

問2 遠隔授業はどのように受けるのですか?
 大学ホームページの遠隔授業の受講について(4月17日更新)https://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/post-117027/ をご覧ください。 なお、各授業の実施方法については、担当教員から説明があります。

問3 遠隔講義の成績評価はどうなりますか?

問4 スマホで授業を受けることはできますか?
 授業は、スマホを使うことができれば受講可能です。もし、受講に際して何らかの不都合がある場合には、 その旨を各授業担当教員に伝えてください。不利になることがないよう授業担当教員がフォローします。

問5 アプリをインストールしておく必要はありますか?

問6 ネットの調子が悪くなったり、パソコンが故障したりしたときはどうすればよいですか?
 遠隔授業の受講が困難になった場合には、その旨を各授業担当教員に伝えてください。 後⽇、授業担当教員がフォローします。

問7 Wifi環境が十分でなく、使用料が急増するのが心配です。
そのような場合には、授業担当教員と学生生活担当教員に具体的な状況を伝えて下さい。 課題をより詳細に把握した後、皆さんが不利になることのないよう対処します。

問8 教科書を購入する必要がありますか?

問9 授業期間は予定通りと考えて良いのでしょうか?

問10 授業内容に関する質問があるときはどうすればよいですか?

問11 大学のWiFiは使えますか?
 緊急事態宣言が発令されたため、4月22日時点では、大学への入構はできません。 受講に支障のある場合は、学生生活担当教員又は所属の学部チーム等へ相談してください。   また、今後、大学が発表する感染ステージ(Red,Orange,Yellow,Green)が 現在のレッド(Red)から他のステージに変更された場合には、特定の教室が使えるようになる可能性があります。

問12 研究室に行けず卒業研究が進みません。無事に卒業論文を書けるのでしょうか?
 指導教員が責任を持って皆さんの卒業研究の指導を行います。具体的な卒業研究の進め方 については指導教員の指示に従ってください。


問1 就職活動で県外に来るよう指示された場合、どうすればよいでしょうか?

問2 クラブやサークル活動はできるのでしょうか?
 愛媛大学における感染ステージがレッド(Red)またはオレンジ(Orange)の場合には、活動はできません。 イエロー(Yellow)の場合には、やむを得ない事情があれば活動が認められることがあります。学生生活担当教員に相談してください。


問1 不要不急の外出とはどのような外出行為を指しますか?
 冠婚葬祭、通院、大学からの呼び出し、ならびに生活の 維持に必要となる食料の買い出しなど、以外はすべて不要不急の外出行為となります。

問2 登校禁止となっている時に,実家に帰省してもよいのでしょうか?
 極力控えてください。愛媛県からは、「連休期間中を含め家族・友人等の帰省や 往来についてもできる限り回避すること、また都道府県をまたいだ移動をはじめ観光 や行楽地への訪問等も自粛すること。」が呼びかけられています。やむを得ず帰省す る場合には、学生生活担当教員にその旨を届け出てください。

問3 登校禁止となっているときにアルバイトを行っても良いのでしょうか?
・総合健康センター:(089) 927-9193, (089) 927-9194,s_kenko(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・学生生活支援課:(089) 927-9099, (089) 927-8970,nandemo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

問4 マスクが不足しています。手に入れることはできませんか?
 大学でも不足しているため、皆さんに配布するのは難しい状況です。 保護者や知り合いに融通してもらう、自作するなどの方法を試してください。

問5 奨学金や授業料免除などのサポートは受けられますか?
・奨学金 :089-927-9156,syougaku(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

愛媛大学工学部 環境建設工学科作成

Q1 I don't feel well. What should I do?
If you have any physical symptoms such as cough, fever (feeling feverish), sluggishness (lethargy), shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), or a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher that lasts more than 4 days, please contact the General Health Center or the Student Life Support Division by phone or email before going to a medical institution.
・General Health Center:(089)927-9193,(089) 927-9194,s_kenko(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・Student Life Support Division:(089)927-9099,(089) 927-8970,nandemo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

Q2 I feel strong anxiety and stress. What should I do?
Please consult with your faculty member in charge of student life (in charge of academic affairs) or your laboratory supervisor. You can also call the General Health Center or the Office of Student Life Support to ask for help.
・General Health Center:(089)927-9193,(089) 927-9194,s_kenko(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・Student Life Support Division:(089)927-9099,(089) 927-8970,nandemo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

<About the classes>

Q1 How will the class be conducted?
During the first quarter, all classes will be taught by distance learning.
After the second quarter, each class will be conducted according to the stage of infection announced by the university (Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green). The method of implementation will be announced at a later date.

Q2 How do I take a distance learning course?
Please visit the University's website for distance learning (April 17) at https://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/post-117027/. The instructor in charge will explain how to conduct each class.

Q3 How will I be graded for distance learning?
Evaluation methods vary for each class. For details, please check with your class teacher.

Q4 Can I take classes on my smartphone?
You can take the class if you can use your smartphone. If you have any inconvenience in taking a course, please let your class teacher know. The instructor in charge of the class will follow up with you to ensure that you are not disadvantaged.

Q5 Do I need to install the app?
You don't have to install it beforehand. Follow your instructor's instructions to download the apps you will need as and when you need them.

Q6 What should I do if the Internet goes bad or my computer breaks down?
If you are unable to take a distance learning course, please inform the instructor in charge of the class. The class teacher will follow up with you later.

Q7 I'm worried that the Wifi environment is not enough and the usage fees will skyrocket.
In such cases, please communicate the specific situation to the class instructor and the student life instructor. Once we have a more detailed understanding of the issues, we will address them so that you are not at a disadvantage.

Q8 Do I need to buy a textbook?
Please follow the instructions of your class teacher.

Q9 Is it safe to assume that the class period will be as scheduled?
At this time, classes are expected to be completed by Tuesday, August 11, the make-up date, according to the original class schedule.

Q10 What should I do if I have a question about the course content?
Please contact the email address of the instructor in charge of the class listed on the syllabus.

Q11 Can I use the university's WiFi?
A state of emergency has been declared and as of April 22, no entry to the university is allowed. If you have trouble taking the course, please consult with your faculty member in charge of student life or your faculty team.
In addition, in the future, if the infection stages announced by the university (Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green) are changed from the current Red to other stages, it is possible that certain classrooms will be able to be used.

Q12 I can't go to my laboratory and I can't proceed with my graduation research. Will I be able to write my thesis successfully?
Your academic advisor will be responsible for guiding you in your graduation research. Please follow your supervisor's instructions on how to proceed with your graduation research.

<About job hunting and extracurricular activities>

Q1 What should I do if I am asked to come outside of the prefecture to look for a job?
Please change it to a web interview, etc. If your request is not accepted, please consult with the faculty member in charge of employment (Yasuhara or Kinoshita). ・(Yasuhara):yasuhara.hideaki.me(at)ehime-u.ac.jp ・(Kinoshita):kinoshita.naoki.mu(at)ehime-u.ac.jp

Can I join a club or circle activity?
If the infection stage at Ehime University is Red or Orange, the activity is not allowed.
In the case of Yellow, the activity may be permitted under unavoidable circumstances. Please consult with the faculty member in charge of student life.

<About Life>

Q1 What kind of non-essential outings do you consider to be unnecessary?
Except for ceremonies, funerals, doctor's visits, college calls, and the purchase of food that is necessary to maintain a life, all of these activities are non-essential.

Q2 Can I go back to my parents' house when I am not allowed to go to school?
Please refrain from doing so as much as possible. Ehime Prefecture said, "People are advised to avoid returning to and from their families and friends in Japan as much as possible, including during consecutive holidays, and to refrain from traveling across prefectures and from visiting sightseeing and holiday destinations. has been called for. If you have no choice but to return home, please notify the faculty member in charge of student life to that effect.

Q3 Can I have a part-time job when I am not allowed to attend school?
Please refrain from doing so as much as possible. If you are having trouble, such as if you have difficulty saying that you want to suspend your part-time job, or if you feel that you are being treated unfairly, please consult with your faculty member in charge of student life or your laboratory supervisor. You can also call the General Health Center or the Office of Student Life Support to ask for help.
・General Health Center :(089) 927-9193, (089) 927-9194,s_kenko(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・Student Life Support Division:(089) 927-9099, (089) 927-8970,nandemo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

Q4 I don't have enough masks. Can't we get our hands on it?
It is difficult to distribute them to everyone because there is a shortage of them even at the university. Try having a parent or someone you know be accommodating, or making your own.

Q5 Can I get support such as scholarships and tuition waivers?
For information on scholarships and tuition waivers, please contact the Student Life Support Team Division below.
・Exemption of material:089-927-9169,menjo(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
・Scholarship :089-927-9156,syougaku(at)stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
The following is just for reference。
・For students who have been affected by the new coronavirus infection and need assistance with tuition and other expenses
・Scholarships that don't have to be repaid

Created by Ehime University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering

 3.学生のみなさんへの要請事項|Request to Students

① 換気の悪い密閉空間をつくらない
② 多くの人が密集しない
③ 近距離での会話や発声をしない


3.咳、熱(熱っぽい感じ)、身体のだるさ(倦怠感)、息苦しさ(呼吸困難)等の体調異常や、37.5 度以上の熱が4日以上続く場合は、受診前に総合健康センターまたは学生生活支援課に電話で連絡する。

2019 novel coronavirus disease Control Expert Council points out.
① Do not create an enclosed space with poor ventilation.
② Not a lot of people are dense.
③In line with the idea of preventing infection by not talking or vocalizing in close quarters

please observe the following precautions until the start of classes with a strong will to protect yourself from infection and to avoid causing the spread of infection.

1.During the absence period, students will follow the instructions of the instructor in charge of classes and student life, and work on their assignments and reports.
2.At least once a day, the students check the university's contact information through the academic support system and also visit the university's website.
3.If you have any abnormality such as cough, fever (feeling feverish), sluggishness (lethargy), or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), or a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher for more than 4 days, call the General Health Center or the Student Life Support Division before taking a medical examination.
4.Refrain from going out for non-essential activities and avoid crowds of people (enclosed spaces, congested places, close quarters, etc.).
5.Because of the increased risk of infection and the spread of infection, do not travel outside the prefecture beyond your area of residence, such as returning home or traveling. If you need to travel for job hunting or educational training, please consult with the faculty member in charge of student life.
6.Young people are aware that they may be infected without symptoms and are at risk of becoming a source of infection themselves and passing it on to others.
7.In view of the seriousness of the situation, extracurricular activities will be prohibited during the period of absence.
8.Be wary of those who make friendly noises to new students, as they may be the ones who are trying to trick you.


Lecture schedule [Update from time to time]

Classes in the second semester of the 2020 academic year (third quarter)[September 3, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

A collection of tips for upgrading your distance learning [June 1, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Online Study Help(遠隔学習相談)の実施について[2020年(令和2年)5月22日]
Implementation of Online Study Help (distance learning consultation) [May 22, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

School attendance support system


 5.研究室活動|Activities in the laboratory

Request for research activities in the laboratory to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection. [September 2, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

 6.授業料・奨学金|Tuition & Scholarship

・公益財団法人 三浦教育振興財団の緊急学修支援奨学金について[2020年(令和2年7月20日]
Miura Education Promotion Foundation's Emergency Study Support Scholarship [Juiy 20, 2020(Reiwa 2)]

Second round of applications for the "Emergency Student Support Grant" for "Continuing Education [Juiy 7, 2020(Reiwa 2)]

Japan Student Services Organization] Application for the "Emergency Special Interest Free Loan Scholarship [June 10, 2020(Reiwa 2)]

Emergency Support Grant [May 21, 2020(Reiwa 2)]

For new undergraduate students and candidates [April 3, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

For current undergraduate students who wish to apply for a new scholarship [April 17, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Change in the application method for tuition fee waiver and deferment due to the prevention of 2019 novel coronavirus disease [March 9, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

 7.就職活動|Job Hunting

About remote job search support[June 12, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Responding to Disadvantageous Treatment, including Rescission of Offer [March 30, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

A student's travel plan for job hunting (Revised on April 17 for Covid-19)


Issuance of certificates, etc. (for current students)

 9.課外活動|Extra-Curricular Activities

Extracurricular activities associated with continued vigilance level 2 (yellow)[July 3, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]


2020 Ehime University Open Campus (Web-based)[June 11, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Resumption of Use of University Facilities for Events, etc.[June 4, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Ehime University Co-op -Changes in business hours due to the spread of Covid infection- [May 11, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Service of Ehime University Library resumes partially[June 1 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Temporary closing of the Ehime University Museum [March 2, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

 11.大学からのお知らせ|News from the University

Opening of study spaces (computer rooms and classrooms with Wi-Fi access [June 1, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

TOEIC公開試験の中止に伴う令和2年度(9月入学)及び令和3年度(4月入学)理工学研究科(博士前期課程)「一般選抜、推薦入学特別選抜Ⅱ、社会人選抜、外国人留学生選抜」学生募集における出願書類の変更について【予告】 [2020年(令和2年)4月20日]
Change in the Application Documents for "General Admission, Special Admission with Recommendation II, Admission for Working People, and Admission for International Students" of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Master's Program) due to the Cancellation of TOEIC Open Examination [Notice] [May 1, 2020(Reiwa2)]

Cancellation of Business Trip Lectures, University Information Sessions, and University Visits [April 15, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Crisis Response Headquarters Meeting [September 2, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Changes to the Entrance Examination Schedule, etc. for the Selection of Students for the 3rd Academic Year of Reiwa in the 2nd Academic Year of Reiwa

Important] Regarding the University's response to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (11th Report) [June 1, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Request for "Action to avoid the spread of infection" in response to the "State of Emergency Declaration [April 17, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Request and status of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease in Ehime Prefecture [ April 13, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Ehime University Webpage_Improvement of measures to prevent the spread of 2019 novel coronavirus disease in Ehime Prefecture [April 7, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

 12.海外渡航|Traveling Abroad

International Travel for Students (Notice) [July 6, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]


Student Life Support Division (Student Service Station, 1st floor, west side)
電話番号:(089) 927-9099, 8970

General Health Center (South side of 1st floor of Ai University Muse)
電話番号:(089) 927-9193, 9194

General consultation service (joint efforts of Ehime Prefecture and Matsuyama City)
General questions and consultations about the 2019 novel coronavirus disease
Service hours: 24 hours (including weekends and holidays)

Consultation Center for Returnees and Contact Persons (joint efforts of Ehime Prefecture and Matsuyama City)
Telephone consultation for those who are suspected of having the 2019 novel coronavirus disease
Service hours: 24 hours (including weekends and holidays)


For Int’l Students** Information on the New Coronavirus(COVID-19)

Ehime University - Webpage_Information on countermeasures against the 2019 novel coronavirus disease

  職員の方へ|For staffs

 1.授業・研究活動等について|Lecture and Activities in the laboratory

Classes in the second semester of the 2020 academic year (third quarter)[September 2, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Online Course Guidelines for Ehime University[September 2, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Classes in the second semester of the 2020 academic year-Basic Approachy[August 6, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

   解像度:480p(横640×縦480) … ビデオビットレート:460Kbps~700Kbps
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Message from the President of the University [April 17, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Urgent notice for classes in the first semester of the second year of Reiwa [April 17, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Distance lecture for beginners [April 10, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

Request of research activities in the laboratory (8th Report) [April 10, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

The opening policy of the first semester of Reiwa 2nd year [Mqy 18, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

 2.感染を防ぐために|To prevent infection.


Please check your temperature every morning and try to take care of your physical condition.

Avoid dense contact.

Provide thorough ventilation in offices and laboratories.
  How to ventilate and how to calculate ventilation
 Safety Assessment of Classrooms and Work Rooms for Covid-19 Aerosol Infection by Forced Ventilation with a Fan

Refrain from going outside in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation where people are densely packed and conversations take place at close quarters, the so-called "three densities".
  About "three secrets.

Make sure you wash your hands with soap and disinfect with alcohol

The correct way to wash your hands

How to use alcohol hand sanitizer correctly

If you have symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, please observe cough etiquette and wear a mask.

About cough etiquette

 3.受診・相談について|Medical examinations and consultations

How to visit the Consultation Center for Returnees and Contact Persons [May 11, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

 4 就業上の取扱いについて|Handling of Employment

Treatment of work-related issues such as telecommuting, granting of special leave, prohibition of working, and prohibition of business travel and training [May 11, 2020 (Reiwa 2)

 5 海外渡航の実施、中止、途中帰国の基準について |Criteria for Overseas Travel, Cancellation, and Returning to Japan

Standards for Overseas Travel Restrictions and Other Measures [March 26,2020(Reiwa 2)}

 6 イベント等開催について(新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応)|Events and Other Events (Response to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease)

Notice Regarding Cancellation and Postponement of Events [February 28, 2020 (Reiwa 2)

 7 管理・運営について|About management and operation

Route of communication in case of suspected illness [only campus] [May 11, 2020(Reiwa)]

Safety Considerations for Faculty and Staff at Ehime University [Only campus] [May 11, 2020 (Reiwa 2)]

How to Hold Various Meetings (3rd Report) [only campus ] [April 8, 2020(Reiwa 2)]

Business Continuity at Ehime University [March 25, 2020 (Reiwa 2)

Attachment: List of Continuing Administrative Organization Operations (March-April) [only campus ]

Attachment: List of Continuing Administrative Organization Operations (April-May) [only campus ]